Replay: Keeping Your Funnel Full

Tea Hoffmann of Law Strategy Corp. shares her expert advice on the things you should be doing right now to keep work flowing into your law firm. 


What's Up Next At The Coffeehouse?

Building Your Personal and Professional Brand to Market Yourself Even More Effectively

As we start to reopen our economies, business development is more important than ever...but it's also trickier. Yesterday's presentation focused on the client-facing work you need to do to keep work coming into your practice. Next week, we're taking a look at the personal aspects of building your business. 

My guest, Katy Goshtasbi, is a lawyer and personal branding expert. She's going to talk us through just what it means to create a personal and professional brand, and how you can use your brand to market your law practice and yourself.

Katy's advice will change the way you think. It may be just what you need to build your business, get promoted, or find the perfect firm to lateral into.

Wednesday, May 6, 2 p.m. Eastern.

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